Sunday, February 23, 2025 • 25 Shevat 5785  • כ"ה שבט  ה' תשפ"ה

Brooklin"s Absolut Purim Party no Beit Chabad do Brooklin

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Date: Sunday, February 28, 2010 5:00 PM - Sunday, February 28, 2010 5:00 PM

Brooklin"s Absolut Purim Party no Beit Chabad do Brooklin - R$ 10,00 All included - Leitur da Meguilá, Show do Matistahu (concorra a ingressos), DJ, Fantasias, Sanduiches criativos e diferentes com hummmantao de no novidades, Drinks e batidas. Domingo, 28/02/2010 `as 17:00hs`a R. Guararapes, 909. Informaçoes (11) 5042-1023 / 5044-5121 ,


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